Listen to Us!

Politicians and talking heads keep asking things like “what does the Occupy movement stand for, ” or “what do they want?” And I think that they may be missing a main point.

We, the majority of Americans, want nothing more than to be listened to over the screaming voices of hard cash. And we don’t just want to be listened to in a superficial and condescending kind of way – we want our voices to be taken seriously. Politicians say that they love the American middle class, but do they really?

Capitol Hill is making sure that the middle class takes hit after hit, as the super rich enjoy soaring profits with little or no societal responsibilities.  It appears that the middle class is no longer being represented, as politicians turn to the desires of ridiculously wealthy donors.

Yet, Washington and the media appear surprised by the sound of our voices, as if we are annoying pests buzzing too close to their ears. They expect us to have one message, or a few main demands, so that they can swat us away again and go on with their business looking after the interests of the super-rich. I think many politicians still believe that the Occupy movement will eventually just quiet down and go away.

I don’t doubt that demands will eventually be verbalized, but right now our message is simply our voice.

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